Public debt management strategy for the period 2017-2019 adopted
On January 26th, 2017 Croatian Government adopted the Public debt management strategy for the period 2017-2019. This Strategy defines the main goals and implementation mechanisms for improvements of the public debt sustainability and limiting the negative effects of associated risks. In addition to the risk analysis of the public debt management, the Strategy provides 2017 Indebtedness Plan with planned dynamics and auction calendar, including the indebtedness projections by 2019. The realization of the Strategy will be supported by economic policy measures, oriented towards growth enhancement, fiscal consolidation and activation of the state-owned property. An active public debt management implies continuous definition, publication and evaluation of the Strategy implementation. Therefore, the following period envisages a regular annual adaptation and publication of the Strategy for three-year period in line with the ongoing Convergence Program and three-year fiscal projections.
The Public debt management strategy is currently available in Croatian only: