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Izazovi provedbe europskih politika u Hrvatskoj / The challenges of European policies implementation in Croatia |
POLO Policy Paper
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The Impact of Cohesion Policies on Croatia’s Regional Policy and Development Sanja Maleković, Jakša Puljiz and Ivana Keser IRMO, Zagreb, July 2018 |
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Energy Transition in Croatia – Moving towards Effective Membership in the Energy Union Ana-Maria Boromisa IRMO, Zagreb, May 2018 |
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Competitiveness, Smart Specialisation and Investment in New EU Member States and Croatia
Krešimir Jurlia, IRMO, Zagreb, April, 2018 |
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Searching for the best practices to reduce youth unemployment in Croatia
Hrvoje Butković IRMO, Zagreb, |
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Comparing the Economic Governance in the New EU Member States – is the European Semester a Success or Failure?
Višnja Samardžija, IRMO, Zagreb, 2016. |
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Challenges of enviromental policy in Croatia and in selected new EU member states in the period 2014 – 2020
Sanja Tišma IRMO, Zagreb, September, 2016 |
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The significance of the European semester for economic policy reforms in Croatia andselected new EU member states IRMO, Zagreb, September, 2016 |
POLO Commentary
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the natural heritage
March, 2018
„Sustainable usage of the natural heritage in Croatia and Poland“ by Marina Funduk, Research Assistant from IRMO is the eighteenth commentary within the POLO-Cro28 project. It analyses the area of nature protection in Croatia and Poland and presents experiences of the two countries in protection of biodiversity and sustainable usage of the natural heritage. It identifies the challenges in management of protected areas of the European ecological network Nature 2000 until the year 2020.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Sustainable usage of the natural heritage in Croatia and Poland
Commentary by young IRMO researchers on the cohesion policy
December, 2017
“Seventh report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: Towards reducing differences in regional development? ” (Croatian) written by Jakša Puljiz and Hrvoje Butković has been published within POLO-Cro28 project. This commentary analyses main conclusions of the Seventh report on economic, social and territorial cohesion published by the European Commission on the 9th of October 2017. Such reports are regularly being issued every three years in order to evaluate to which extent are the EU regions coming together or drifting apart between each other towards the EU average. The commentary is particularly focus on the changes recorded in Croatia and other new EU member states.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Seventh report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: Towards reducing differences in regional development?
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the vocational education and training
December, 2017
European systems of vocational education and training on the crossroads: Experiences of Croatia and Slovenia (Croatian) is the sixteenth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Ivana Čavar. The commentary analyses the role of vocational education and training (VET) in development of the qualified workforce which is necessary for the future economic development of the EU. Focus of the analysis is targeted towards the VET systems of Croatia and Slovenia, their compatibility with VET systems of other EU member states as well as on the policies and strategies which improve their development.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): European systems of vocational education and training on the crossroads: Experiences of Croatia and Slovenia
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the European Semester
September, 2017
Results in implementation of the European Semester process: an overview for the Czech Republic, Croatia and Hungary (Croatian) is the fifteenth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Ivana Skazlić. The commentary provides a short overview of the European Semester implementation results in Czech Republic, Hungary and Croatia. This includes the novelties incorporated in the process in 2017 such as an increased focus on the multiannual perspective, given the fact that many measures require longer time for implementation and evaluation of their results. The commentary is published in Croatian language.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Results in implementation of the European Semester process: an overview for the Czech Republic, Croatia and Hungary
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the climate and energy
September, 2017
Energy Union and Climate: Clean Energy for all Europeans (Croatian) is the fourteenth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Anastasya Raditya Ležaić. The „Clean Energy for all Europeans“ package is the continuation of european initiatives of creating low-carbon economy. This commentary analyses the main measures that should enable economic modernisation and transition to low-carbon economy.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Energy Union and Climate: Clean Energy for all Europeans
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on urban governance models
June, 2017
“Urban governance models” (Croatian) by Ivana Keser, is the next commentary within the POLO-Cro-28 project. The commentary analyses the integrated urban governance model which is becoming increasingly important not only in the cohesion policy but also in other European development policies, and finds its application in many European cities.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Urban governance models
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the investment incentives
April, 2017
“Investment Incentives in Croatia and selected new EU member states” (in Croatian) written by Martina Basarac Sertić from Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, is the twelfth commentary within the POLO-Cro28 project. The commentary analyses the EU initiatives within the state aid concept available for the EU member states as well as the incentives that are implemented in Croatia, Bulgaria, Czechia and Slovakia.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Investment Incentives in Croatia and selected new EU member states
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on waste menagement
March, 2017
How is the adjustment of waste management policies in Croatia and in the Czech Republic advancing? (croatian) written by Marina Funduk, senior research assistant at IRMO, is the eleventh commentary within the POLO-Cro28 project. The commentary analyses Croatian and Czech Republic experiences in the implementation of EU waste management legislation and identifies the main challenges in this area untill 2020.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): How is the adjustment of waste management policies in Croatia and in the Czech Republic advancing?
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the NEET population
February, 2017
NEET population – challenges in Croatia, Poland and Slovenia, written by Ivan Bedeniković is the tenth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28. NEET population is very heterogeneous phenomenon that ranks high on the European Union list of priorities. This commentary analyses challenges of youth neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) in three selected countries.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): NEET population – challenges in Croatia, Poland and Slovenia
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the European Semester
January, 2017
Inclusiveness of the European Semester implementation at the national level – the prerequisite for successful implementation record?, written by Ivana Skazlić is the ninth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28. This commentary analyses how the process of the European Semester is being implemented in Croatia and the Czech Republic and examines in which way an inclusive approach could usefully contribute to the creation of the national ownership of reforms and make for an important component for raising compliance with recommendations issued within that framework.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): European Semester implementation at the national level – the prerequisite for successful implementation record?
Commentary by young IRMO researcher on the Energy union
November, 2016
Energy union and climate: we will always have Paris is the eight commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Anastasya Raditya Ležaić. EU ratification of the Paris Agreement in October 2016 enables its entering into force, making thus the EU’s climate ambitions into the climate actions. This commentary analyses the role of the Paris Agreement in Croatia and selected EU member states in the implementation of the Energy union i.e. its goal to decarbonise the economy.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Energy union and climate: we will always have Paris
Commentary by young IRMO researches on regional policy
October, 2016
„What does the Strategy for the Regional Development of Republic of Croatia by the end of 2020 bring“ is the seventh analitical commentary by Ivana Keser and Nikica Vukelić, prepared under the POLO-Cro28 project. The commentary analyses the process of creating a basic planning document on regional development policy, examines the methodology utilized during its preparation, and provides an analysis of challenges that lie ahead in the Strategy implementation by 2020.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only):
Commentary by young IRMO researches on water management policy
September, 2016
‘Water management challenges in Croatia and Slovakia in the period 2014-2020‘ is the sixth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Martina Funduk, senior research assistant at IRMO. This commentary analyses experiences of Croatia and Slovakia in implementation of EU water management legislation and identifies main challenges in the forthcoming period. The paper provides an overview of the conditions of water resources in these two EU member states and envisaged investment in their water management systems by 2020.
Commentary by young researches on Smart specialisation published
September, 2016
‘Strategy for smart specialisation as a fremework for strategic investment’ is the fifth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28, written by Martina Basarac Sertić, research associate at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – CASA. This commentary analyses the goal, the purpose and the content of strategies for smart specialisation and provides a parallel overview of thematic priority areas in Croatia and selected new EU Member States (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia). Furthermore, the commentary explains the origin and sequences of establishing these strategies as well as their importance in the context of EU Cohesion policy. The main aim is to assist in better understanding of strategies for smart specialisation – a new concept of industrial policy in order to develop innovative economy and achieve economic growth and prosperity of the EU Member States. Having an insight into the backbone of these strategies it can be concluded that smart specialisation is an opportunity to shift from the low levels of balance and to increase the overall competitiveness in the EU as well as for the reduction of mutual differences among the Member States.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): Strategy for smart specialisation as a fremework for strategic investment
Commentary by young IRMO researches on the European Youth Guarantee Scheme published
April, 2016
“Comparison between implementation of the European Youth Guarantee Scheme in Croatia and in selected EU member states” is the fourth commentary within the project POLO-Cro28 Policy Observatory in Croatia, written by Ivana Čavar. The commentary analyses the progress of Croatia in implementation of the scheme as well as progress achieved in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia, countries which are comparable with Croatia due to their economic development, political legacies and position of the young people on the labour market. The commentary analyses different strategies in implementation of the Youth Guarantee Scheme which in all countries demanded reforms of vocational education and training system, education system and employment offices.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only): “Comparison between implementation of the European Youth Guarantee Scheme in Croatia and in selected EU member states”
Commentary by young IRMO researches on European Semester published
March, 2016
“Europe 2020 and European Semester: is the EU heading towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth?” is the third commentary within the project POLO-Cro28 Policy Observatory in Croatia, written by Ivana Skazlić. Commentary provides a brief overview of the new mechanisms introduced within the European economic governance structure. The special emphasis is put on the links between the main parts of the economic governance in the EU, namely the Europe 2020 strategy, the Stability and Growth Pact, the Macroeconomic imbalance procedure and the European Semester Cycle. Commentary provides an analysis of mechanisms that the EU has at its disposal in monitoring the progress achieved by the Member States within the framework of the European Semester, referring to the current success of this process.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only):
Europe 2020 and European Semester: is the EU heading towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth?
Commentary by young IRMO researches on European Energy Union published
February, 2016
“Convergence towards European Energy Union goals” is the second commentary within the project POLO-Cro28 Policy Observatory in Croatia, prepared by Klara Vidmar. Commentary assesses the progress achieved towards the European Energy Union goals and particularly the five dimensions of the Energy Union according to the European Commission’s estimation on status of implementation in each Member State as well as at the EU level. Commentary deals particularly with Croatian progress in achieving the European Energy Union goals, including the most important projects related to the Croatian involvement in the implementation of the Energy Union.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only):
Convergence towards European Energy Union goals
Commentary by young IRMO researches on Cohesion policy published
January, 2016
The first commentary “Challenges of the new EU Cohesion policy for Croatian sustainable urban development” written by young IRMO researches has been published within the project POLO-Cro28 Policy Observatory in Croatia. This commentary, prepared by Ivana Keser and Nikica Vukelić, provides a brief overview of novelties in the current Cohesion policy that are relevant for Croatia. It also critically assesses major changes that have occurred as a result of the evaluation of the Cohesion policy in the previous programing period. Furthermore, European experiences with implementing interdisciplinary approaches to the development are also discussed. Commentary concludes with premises that will have to be taken into consideration in order to make the best use of new opportunities opened to all EU Member States, including Croatia.
The full text is available on the following link (Croatian only):
Challenges of the new EU Cohesion policy for Croatian sustainable urban development[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Conference Paper
Paper presented at the ECSA-C 11th Biennial Conference “The European Union and North America: An Inevitable Partnership?” (Session 4a: Economic Policy and Transatlantic Relations) Halifax, Canada, 9-11 May, 2016
- Comparing the Economic Governance in the New EU Member States – is the European Semester a Success or Failure?
- Presentation-Halifax-ECSA-C- Samardzija
- Conference Program