The triennial Jean Monnet project for institutional support is aimed at fostering activities of the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in multidisciplinary policy analysis and making high quality policy papers on the European Union’s subjects. The project will contribute to the spread of knowledge and understanding of the EU policies in Croatia, professional development of young researchers and more active citizens’ engagement in the area of EU policies. The project’s events and research of selected EU policy areas are intended as a response to the growing need of academia, public and private sector as well as civil society for the analytical work which will contribute to better understanding of these policies in the context of Croatia’s EU membership.
Through multidisciplinary approach the project will enable in-depth elaboration of the six selected EU policy areas (economic policy and European Semester, social policy and youth unemployment, cohesion policy and management of the EU funds, energy policy, competitiveness, as well as environmental protection) and their implementation in Croatia. In this way the project serves as observatory of the mentioned policies in Croatia. The experiences of selected new EU member states will also be analysed to provide recommendations for Croatian decision makers. The key questions related to implementation of each selected policy will be discussed by the stakeholders and experts on the round table, addressed in the policy papers and in analytical commentaries. The round table debates open for key target groups will contribute to better understanding of selected EU policies and to raising awareness about the need for continuous implementation of economic and social reforms within framework of a revised Europe 2020 Strategy. In the last year of implementation the research results will be published in the book.
The overall objective of the project is to enhance, extend, innovate and make more visible IRMO’s research activities and to open public debates on selected policies.
Jean Monnet Project
Support to Institutions and Associations
Specific objectives are to:
- (i) analyse dynamic developments in selected EU policies and their impact on Croatian policies;
- (ii) identify key gaps in implementing EU policies in Croatia and propose recommendations for Croatian decision makers for more efficient measures to reach European goals, based on experiences and best practices of selected new EU member states;
- (iii) increase the dialogue between the researchers, policy-makers and civil society on the EU policies;
- (iv) train young IRMO researchers on selected EU policies through learning-by-doing in research with the supervision of their mentors.
Target groups
Researchers, students, independent experts, key policy stakeholders, social partners, relevant CSOs, business sector, EU representatives, journalists

- web page of the project
- 6 policy papers
- 18 short commentaries disseminated electronically
- 6 roundtable debates
- final international conference
- bilingual book (Croatian-English)
All published materials are results of the project “Policy Observatory in Croatia (POLO-Cro28)” funded by the European Commission through the ERASMUS + programme, Jean Monnet Support to Institutions (No. 2015-2306/001-001). The European Commission support does not constitute an endorsement of their contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.