EU Council adopts conclusions on the future of the cohesion policy beyond 2020

The Council of the European Union adopted on April 12th 2018 conclusions on the delivery and implementation of cohesion policy beyond 2020. With a BREXIT that will result in a loss of revenues for the overall European budget looming, the EU will need to come to an agreement on its next multiannual financial framework. Coupled with defence and migration issues, the way funds are distributed will re-open the debate on sharing sovereignty demanded by Brussels. Cohesion policy is one of the areas where the EU governments must promote implementation of policy based on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, as well as those of democratic oversight, transparency and accountability. Through the new cohesion policy, the EU aims to encourage structural reforms that can improve the effectiveness of public administration. It also aims to support investments in the economic transformation of regions, enabling them to fully enjoy the benefits that globalisation offers.

In its conclusions, the Council stressed the importance of synergies and a simplification of cohesion policy beyond 2020 and welcomed the Strategic Report of the European Commission on the implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds. It emphasized the positive assessment of the new elements introduced in the 2014-2020 programming period to improve delivery, such as ex-ante conditionalities, the alignment with relevant country-specific recommendations, the reinforced performance orientation and better synergies with other instruments.

More on the conclusions of the Council of the European Union on cohesion policy beyond 2020 available at:
