IRMO in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Croatia will organize a round table ‘Importance of the EU Cohesion policy for development in Croatia’. The event will be held on the 31st of January 2018 (Wednesday) in the premises of the European Commission Representation in Croatia, Augusta Cesarca 4, Zagreb. The envisaged duration is between 11 a.m. and 14 p.m. The round table will be organised as an activity within the Jean Monnet support to institutions project ‘POLO-Cro28 – Policy Observatory in Croatia’ financed by the Erasmus+ program and implemented by IRMO, coordinated by Prof. Visnja Samardzija.
The speakers, representative of the DG Regio of the European Commission from Brussels as well as experts and researchers from Croatia, will highlight the existing and potential impact of Cohesion policy on development of the Republic of Croatia. Topics will particularly emphasize following aspects of the cohesion policy: experiences of implementation during 2014-2020 period, visible and invisible impacts on Croatian economy, impacts on the regional development within Croatia, implications for the Croatian budget etc. The debate will be focused on comparative assessment between the situation in Croatia with those in other new EU member states. One of the round table goals will also be defining important recommendations for the policy makers in Croatia. Working languages will be Croatian and English.