The team of IRMO researchers (Hrvoje Butković and Višnja Samardžija in cooperation with Ivana Skazlić and Ivana Čavar) has published a study about the nonstandard work in Croatia in the period since outbreak of the economic crisis. The study is focused on the activities of the trade unions and employers related to increase of the nonstandard work in the sectors of construction, metal industry, retail trade, public healthcare and agency work. The study, among other topics, addresses the issue of youth unemployment which in Croatia is one of the highest in the EU. The youth were identified as particularly vulnerable group because crisis further complicated their entrance to the labour market, while they are mostly employed on fixed-term contracts. The research was implemented within the project ‛PRECARIR – The rise of the dual labour market: fighting precarious employment in the new member states through industrial relations’ financed by the European Commission. IRMO implements this project as a partner from Croatia while it is coordinated by the Dublin City University (DCU). Together with nine other national studies it was published as a CELSI Research Report at the webpage of the CELSI institute from Bratislava.
More information:
The study is available in the electronic form.